Agency Name | Pajaro Valley Loaves & Fishes |
Categories | Addiction , Children/ Youth , Disabilities , Education, Elderly , Hunger and Homelessness, Medical and Wellness, Mental Health , Women |
Contact Name | Cecilia Cervantes |
Agency Email | |
Agency Address | 150 2nd street, Watsonville, CA. |
Agency Phone | 831-319-4571 |
Web Address | |
Office Hours | M-F 8:00am-4:00pm |
Distance from Campus | 15 miles |
Nearest Bus Lines | 69 & 91 |
Mission Statement | Our mission is to assist people in the Pajaro Valley with nutritious food, education, and referrals in cooperation with other agencies. We are a community-based and volunteer-supported non-profit serving the Pajaro Valley and fighting for better food security and access to nutrition in our community. As Santa Cruz County’s largest emergency food assistance provider, we serve over 100 homemade, nutritious meals every Mon-Fri and provide families with grocery assistance. We work in conjunction with Second Harvest Food Bank, and also receive donations of fresh produce and other foods from local organic farms and grocery stores.. Our lunch and pantry programs work to nourish a healthier, happier, community. |
Volunteer Duties | We have three volunteer tasks available. Our Pantry Assistant position involves assisting the Pantry Manager to pack and distribute bags of fresh produce as well as dried goods and bread items. This position also involves welcoming clients to the pantry and assisting with client intake via our computer program. Another position we offer is the Kitchen Assistant position. This involves assisting our Head Chef in the preparation of our daily hot lunch, which is served free to any and all Monday through Friday at noon. Aside from preparation, this position includes serving the meal as well as a variety of post-lunch clean up tasks. Our third position is our Facilities and Operations Assistant position. This position involves receiving food deliveries, organizing and stocking our food inventory, and assisting with daily cleaning and maintenance of our facilities. |
Notes |
Updated: 5/4/2018 |